Đại lý Van Kromschroder tại Việt Nam

Đại lý Van Kromschroder tại Việt Nam chuyên gia cung cấp, phân phối : Van Kromschroder , van điều khiển Kromschroder , bộ lọc Kromschroder , thiết bị điều chỉnh áp suất Kromschroder , công tắc áp suất Kromschroder , điều khiển kết hợp và MODULINE Kromschroder , giám sát và kiểm soát ngọn lửa Kromschroder , giám sát các thành phần, Thiết bị đo lường Kromschroder , phụ kiện Kromschroder, Cảm biến Kromschroder.

Chi tiết sản phẩm

Product Description


van điều khiển Kromschroder Burners for gas TriOx Burners for gas BBG
Manual valves with
thermal equipment trip AKT..TAS
Control valves RV, control valves
with solenoid valve RVS
Automatic burner control
units IFS 132B, 135B, 137B
Gas pressure regulators GDJ Magnetic relief valves VAN Burner control unit BCU 370
Gas pressure regulator J78R Tightness controls TC 1-3 Burner control unit BCU 400
Gas pressure regulator VGBF Tightness controls TC 410 Field bus interface PFA 700
Gas ratio controls GIK Butterfly valves BVG, BVA, BVH
Sicherheitsabblasventil VSBV Throttle DKR Flame detector IFW 15
Safety shut JSAV Circulation and relief governors VAR Flame detector for continuous
operation PFF
Automatic burner control units
for continuous operation IFD 450, 454
Automatic burner control units
for continuous operation PFD 778
Flame detector for continuous
operation IFW 50
Ratio control GIKH Solenoid valves for gas VG
Automatic burner control units
PFS 778, 748
Governor with solenoid valve
Automatic burner control
units IFS 110IM, 111IM
Pressure switch for gas DG Gas motorized valves VK Pot burner
Gas pressure switch DG..C Linear actuators IFC, VFC Automatic burner control units IFS 244
Pressure switches for air CPS Air solenoid valves 7 MB / BVHM Automatic burner control units IFS 258
Air-pressure switch DL..A Solenoid valves for air VR
Air-pressure switch DL..E Actuator IC 20, IC 40, IC 50 Automatic burner control units PFU
Air-pressure switch DL..K Actuators GT Relay module PFR 704
Combination controls CG 1-3 Switching valves S11T Power supply PFP 700
Combination controls CG 10 Pilot burners ZT, ZTK, ZTS Impulse system MPT 700
Combination controls CG 15-30 Abblasesichtgerät AS UV sensor for continuous operation UVD
Combination controls CG 35-45 Durchflussmengenzähler DM, DE UV sensor UVS
Pilot burner ZKIH Edelstahlkompensatoren EKO Ignition and sensing electrodes FE, FZE
Pilot burner ZMI Edelstahlschläuche ES Ignition transformers TZI, TGI
Burners for gas BIO, BIOA, ZIO Gasrücktrittsicherungen GRS, GRSF Gas filter GFK
Pilot burner ZIO 40 Manometer KFM, RFM Burner with integrated recuperator BICR
Blowpipe PBG..EE Excess air burner BIC..L Hot air pilot system WPS
Low-NOx burners BIC..M Messblendensets FLS Mengeneinstellhähne GEHV, GEH, LEH
Recuperative ECOMAX Solenoid valves for gas VAS, VCS Thermal equipment trips TAS
Annular gap burner Solenoid valves for gas VGP Pilot burner ZAI

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